
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ReSuLts ReleaSed~~

wa,dun knw what happen 2day my head seriously pain leh so almost whole day also sleeping there,lol...can take chance curi tulang,hoho~~Sleep..sleep, sleep till around 8pm my sis call me go pasar malam(she where gt so good ajak me go la, jz want me be driver jer..haiz~~)...ngek,me so bad...haha~~WheN walk half way,kid send a sms tell me results out edi...therefore i quickly rushed back check my results...hoho,lucky this time manage can get satisfied hor,still wondering y still hv 1 more subjects no results de,still hv to worry tim~Btw,nw results out edi le,what hv to think nw is which course to choose.Althought edi hv an answer in my heart bt i think i still will keep think about it till last minute confirmed registerd..=="~~write till here my headache come again,maybe it remind me time to rest

*so continued tomolo ba ^^

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